Pretty Gets Gritty CRAFTALONG KIT

Pretty Gets Gritty by Lynette Jasper gives you all the supplies you need to start your mixed media craft.


Join Lynette Jasper live for her very own Masterclass on 21st October at 1pm! The live will be hosted on CraftStash Facebook Page and CraftWorld. Craftalong Kit consists of 6 coordinating items that allow you to make a fantastic make for your loved ones. Make sure to order this kit by 17th October to receive your items before the Craftalong!

Meet Lynette Jasper!

Check out an exclusive interview with the talented lady behind popular brand Pretty Gets Gritty here.

What includes in the craftalong kit?

There are three different options for you to choose, depending on what colour you prefer


The Acrylic Block will allow you to see where you are stamping, providing comfort and stability when in use. In addition, the Dashed A5 Stencil features a fantastic design of fading dashes. This will create stunning makes that your friends and family will love!

The Black Gesso has been designed to help you prepare all types of surfaces by providing a subtle texture for acrylic or oil paints to adhere to.

The Slate Paste is water based, and will give you a sandpaper finish on all primed and porous surfaces. Finally, the Patina Crèmes are water-based waxes that can be used on a variety of primed surfaces to create an effortlessly smooth finish.


You will also need a hot glue gun, embellishments, pallet knife/spreader, a paint brush to apply gesso and a small one to get into nooks, crannies, and to edge the embellishments, a soft paint/make up brush, paper towels/soft cloth, and a heat gun ready on hand.

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