7 Free PDF Patterns to Download: Sew Your Own Cargo Pants

Are you ready to upgrade your wardrobe with a pair of stylish and functional cargo pants? Sewing your own garments not only allows you to personalize the design to your liking but also provides a rewarding creative experience. In this blog post, we'll share some fabulous free downloads and also show you how to turn any trousers into cargos! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced sewist, these patterns will help you create trendy and versatile pants that are perfect for any occasion.
Materials you'll need:
- Any trouser pattern (either downloaded or drafted)
- A basic pocket pattern - you can draft your own using basic rectangles of the desired size and shape
- Fabric of your choice (cotton twill or canvas works well)
- Matching thread
- Interfacing (optional)
- Elastic or drawstring (optional)
- Buttons or snaps (optional)
- Scissors
- Pins
- Sewing machine
- Iron
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Top 10 Free Patterns to Download for Cargo Pants
Lapwing Trousers
Comfortable yet chic, these trousers from Simple Sew are perfect for busy days on the go!
Wide-leg Pants
These classic and comfortable trousers are so easy to wear!
Comfy Jersey Trousers
Easy to wear, this is the perfect project for improving your stretch sewing skills and learning to sew trousers.
More Free Patterns
- Mood Watsonia Drawstring Pants
- Magda Crisp Linen Pants from Fabrics Store
- Wide Leg Pants from Peppermint Magazine
- So Sew Easy Cargo Pants

How to Sew Cargo Pants
Prepare the Pattern and Fabric
Print and assemble your chosen cargo pants pattern according to the instructions provided. If you're drafting your own pattern, make sure to take accurate measurements and create the necessary pattern pieces.
Pre-wash and iron your fabric to ensure it won't shrink after sewing.
Cut Out the Fabric Pieces
Place your pattern pieces onto the fabric, aligning them with the grainline indicated on the pattern. Pin the pattern pieces securely.
Carefully cut out the fabric pieces, following the outlines of the pattern.
Mark and Prepare the Pockets
Use chalk or tailor's pen to mark the pocket placements on the fabric pieces, following the pattern guidelines.
To create pockes tiwht a little more structure, you may wish to add interfacing - cut out the interfacing pieces and fuse them to the corresponding fabric pieces following the manufacturer's instructions.
Assemble the Cargo Pants
With right sides together, pin the front and back trouser leg pieces at the outside seam.
Sew along the seams using a straight stitch, backstitching at the beginning and end.
Finish the raw edges using a serger or a zigzag stitch to prevent fraying. Press.
Sew the Pockets
Fold the pocket edges as indicated on the pattern and press them.
Pin the pocket pieces onto the corresponding fabric pieces, aligning the edges. Make sure to match the markings you made earlier.
Sew the Cargo Pockets
Pin the cargo pocket pieces onto the leg pieces, aligning the edges and matching the markings.
Sew around the pocket pieces, leaving the top edge open. You can reinforce the stitching at the top corners of the pockets for added durability.
Complete the legs
With right sides together, sew the inseam of the leg, finishing as before.
Turn one leg right side out, and slip this inside the other leg, lining it up along the crotch seam.
Sew along the crotch seam with two lines of straight stitching for extra reinforcement.
Finish as before.
Construct the Waistband
Fold and press the waistband according to the pattern instructions. This may involve folding and stitching channels for elastic or drawstring insertion.
If your pattern requires interfacing on the waistband, cut out the interfacing pieces and fuse them to the corresponding fabric pieces following the manufacturer's instructions.
Pin the waistband onto the top edge of the pants, right sides together, aligning the raw edges. Sew along the pinned edge, leaving a small opening to insert the elastic or drawstring (if applicable).
Insert the elastic or drawstring into the waistband channels, adjust for a comfortable fit, and secure the ends.
Finishing Touches
Fold and press the bottom edge of each pant leg to the desired length. Hem the pant legs using a straight stitch or a blind hem stitch on your sewing machine.
Attach buttons or snaps to the cargo pockets, following the pattern guidelines, for functional or decorative purposes.
Press the entire garment to ensure a polished and professional look.
Congratulations! You've successfully sewn your cargo pants. Try them on and make any necessary adjustments for fit and comfort. With practice, you can experiment with different pocket styles, fabric choices, and customization options to create unique cargo pants that suit your personal style. Happy sewing!