Video of the Week

Congratulations to @CardsbyKateFletcher

How to upload a video from YouTube

  1. Click on the share icon underneath a YouTube video
  2. Click copy to copy the link to your clipboard
  3. Alternatively you can 'right click' anywhere on a video and choose 'copy video url' make sure you wait for ads to finish.
  4. Paste the link directly into a CraftWorld article, post, in a group or in a forum post. Tap if on mobile or tablet to show the paste option. On a computer right click and choose the option 'paste' or you can use the Ctrl button and V on your keyboard held down together to paste in the link.
  5. The video will instantly show up! You can also click on the text that shows up and amend that to whatever you'd like it to say. Or you can use the X button top right of the text to remove the text area and just share the video.

Uploading a Video

On CraftWorld you can choose to upload an MP4 file directly

  1. Click on a post to reveal the 3 icons, photo, video and file. The middle icon showing a film reel is the video icon. Click it!
  2. The maximum video size is 30MB

We hope you enjoy sharing videos on CraftWorld, let Hilary Community manager know if you have any difficulty with videos.