The Yarn Circle: A Good Yarn

What's your shop called? Is there a story behind the name?

My shop's called A Good Yarn, named after the Debbie Macomber book The Shop on Blossom Street. I was listening to it as an audio book just as I had decided to open my shop. Everything about the shop was what I wanted to recreate.  

Where is your shop and what is the neighbourhood like?

We're a stones throw from the beach, at the bottom of the oldest street in Cleethorpes. The area is full of boutique shops and delicious eateries, from French brasseries to tea shops and a traditional English pub. You can buy everything you need including designer clothes for the whole family and beautiful items for your home.

Who works at your shop?

There's only me who works at the shop, but I have an amazing group of friends and family who love spending time there with me. I couldn't cope without my team, there's Jo, Julie, Eileen, Wendy, Carolyn & Dawn. Everyone is an expert knitter or crocheter so there is always someone on hand to help customers.  

What makes your shop special?

A Good Yarn is more than just a wool shop, it's a special place where you can come and just enjoy the environment with like-minded people, we have a notice up in the shop that says 'enter as strangers, leave as friends' and we really mean it. We know our products and are skilled at what we do but, so are always happy to spend time helping our customers but we know, often, we can learn from them too.  

What are your most popular yarns?

Quality is at the core of what we do, quality service and quality products. I love Rowan, their designs are classic, and the quality of their yarns is second to none. If a customer is looking for something we don't currently stock it's always worth enquiring as it may be something we can source for you or even add to our stock.  

Do you have a knitting group? When do they meet?

We have three knit and natter groups a week, which we call 'Knot Just Knitting' these are social groups and they meet on a Tuesday & Saturday 1pm-4pm and Friday 10am-1pm. We also have Knit Club, Crochet Club and Freeform Club where you can learn new skills and monthly we have half and full day workshops. All the details can be found on our website

What's your favourite piece of yarny advice?

Think carefully about what you want to knit or crochet and why. A basket full of £1 yarn may be too big a bargain to resist but will you enjoy working on a project using it. Your time is valuable do something that gives you pleasure in every stitch!  

Address: A Good Yarn, 50 Oole Road, Cleethorpes, DN358HD

Phone number: 01472 508707


Email address:

Twitter: @agoodyarnclee


Instagram: agoodyarnclee

Ravelry: agoodyarnclee