On our travels across the internet we often come across genius sewing tips and ideas - this week we wanted to share all the brilliant pincushion ideas we have seen recently.  Patterns and tutorials that will make sewing easier and more enjoyable!  Thanks to all the wonderful sewing bloggers who keep coming up with and sharing these excellent sewing tips and tutorials.

You can also see more of our favourite Pincushions on our Pinterest board - "Pincushion Ideas"

Pin cushion jar

This fun Pincushion Jar has been made using the free fabric fat quarter designed by Kirsty Allsopp, that comes with issue one of Love Sewing magazine.

There are lots of great tutorials for turning mason jars or jam jars into pincushions.  Our favourite is by Fabric HQ as it shows you how to make the pincushion using a kilner type jar or just a plain old jam jar with a fixed lid. - Jam Jar Pincushion Tutorial

Jam Jar Pincushion Tutorial

These little Jam Jar pincushions don't just look amazing they are really practical too as you can keep the pins in the jar!  We found some gorgeous examples when we googled "Jam Jar Pincushions" - they'd be lovely as gifts - even for non sewers they still look cute to keep bits and bobs in.

sewing machine pincushion

Brilliant - a little pincushion that attaches with a bow to your sewing machine.  the pins are in the most ideal position for when you need them - sewing tutorial from iCandy Handmade

Sewing caddy and pincushion
Pincushion and sewing caddy

This tutorial from sewing blogger "How Joyful" shows you how to make up this very clever sewing caddy and sewing mat, complete with detachable pincushion!  Inspired - it even has a little pocket for clearing away all those threads neatly and storing your scissors. Every sewer should make themselves one of these.

This video shows you how to make a pincushion that will sit on your finger while you are sewing! Great idea, but perhaps it would be more convenient on your wrist? Having pins sticking out of your finger may get in the way when you are sewing.  There are lots of great tutorials for sewing up a wrist pincushion - our favourite has to be this one below!!!

Wrist Pincushion tutorial

Why have a boring wrist pincushion when you can have one that looks like a pea pod!  We love this tutorial which you can find over at Moda Bake Shop

Pin cushion idea

Or why not sew up one of these "Skinny Pincushions" - The pattern is available as a pdf here.  Just thin enough not to get in the way at all but as it's long you can get lots of pins in.  Take a look at how the design has been adapted by this sewing blogger "The Patchsmith" to add in a sewing machine matt so that the weight of the sewing machine will keep it in place!

Let us know any great tutorials for pincushions to sew that you have come across - or maybe blogged about on your own sewing blog, we'd love to take a look!

Also - Issue one is out on the 24th April, if you liked the first pincushion jar we shared be sure to keep an eye out as this gorgeous Fat Quarter of fabric designed by Kirsty Allsopp comes free!

Kirsty Allsopp Fabric

Fab Free Fat Quarter with Issue 1 of Love Sewing - pre order your copy here at www.moremags.co.uk