Say hello to Wool Couture

Find out more about Claire and her company below, and don't forget to check your copy of issue 29 for a fabulous 10% discount when you shop online, and to try out one of Claire's lovely patterns!

Wool Couture is a leading designer and retailer of luxury yarns, DIY knitting and crochet kits and DIY weaving and macram kits. Since 2015, Claire has used her love and passion of all things wool to give these timeless hobbies a 21st century makeover and has shared her ideas with the world on shows including Dragon's Den and This Morning.

First of all, tell us where the inspiration behind Wool Couture came from?

As an eight year old I received my first crochet hook from an aunt, and from there on in I was literally and metaphorically hooked. I just loved all things crafty and found in particular the combination of wood and wool incredibly cathartic and therapeutic.

For me, I had an outlet in knitting that helped me manage my personal struggles with mental health and this was something I wanted to share with others that might be battling similar difficulties. So, from there Wool Couture was born.

A lot of your products are focused on giant crochet and super chunky yarns - what is it that draws you super-sized projects?

Lack of patience and time! I love to be busy crafting all the time, however, like many of our customers, I want results fast. Our chunky and giant yarns enable even the beginner to master knitting quickly with gorgeous end products to admire. It's a win-win for everybody.

"I just loved all things crafty and found in particular the combination of wood and wool incredibly cathartic and therapeutic"

Can you tell us about where you find inspiration for your designs?

Inspiration really is everywhere and often where you least expect. For example, when my dog was poorly I wanted to make him the cosiest, most luxurious bed for him to snuggle up in, so that's exactly what I did, and now it's one of our best-sellers online.

If I have an idea or see something I like, I take some yarn and try to replicate with my own twist, sometimes it works, sometimes not, in this case it did!

You also have a fantastic range of hand crafted tools. What process goes into creating these?

Often the designs are imagined in my head and then relayed to our fantastic artisan wood-turners who make them come to life using their unrivalled skills. The FSC certified wood is placed on a lathe that rotates allowing the team to handcraft and fashion the shape of the tool using a chisel. We have also recently invested in an industrial laser machine that has allowed us to start producing weaving looms and make your own cross stitch banners. This year the laser machine will also be put to great use with our new minimalistic Scandi-style Christmas tree decorations which we know kids and adults alike will have fun crafting.

Finally, what should we look out for next from Wool Couture?

We have so many exciting developments in the pipeline, from a fabulous new baby range to our new Christmas products that will feature festive DIY decorations and gifts to give that personal touch to your home.

We're also thrilled to announce the opening of our first shop later this year. So 2018 is incredibly busy, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Shop for amazing kits and super soft merino yarn at