Quilting without "Quilting"
Quilting involves bringing your quilt top, wadding and backing together, but there are lots of innovative ways you can achieve this
Quilting is often defined as the process of turning a patchwork pieced top into a quilt, by adding wadding and backing and then attaching the three layers together. In most of our heads the options open for quilting are either sewing by hand or by machine. However, this is only a part of the story! There are other methods available to you that you may not have thought of.
A tied quilt has a handmade look to it, which is very much in keeping with the trend for vintage quilts. It also adds detail to a simple pattern. To try this you will need a tapestry needle with a sharp point and a large eye, decorative thread and embroidery floss or yarn.
How to:
Choose where you want your quilting to start. It looks nice in the centre of a simple block. Also pay attention to the wadding you use as
many of them will specify a minimum quilting distance, and this should still be taken into account.
Thread your needle with your desired thread (I used all six strands of embroidery floss). Insert your needle down through all three quilt layers and back up close to the initial starting point. (See above). Leave a 2” tail.
Repeat another stitch in the same location to reinforce it.
Cut your thread, leaving another 2” tail.
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