Beautiful Fabrics Pennant Bunting
Using the Big Shot Plus manual die-cutting machine, die-cut four triangles and four banners from each fabric.
Stitch two triangles, right sides together. Trim the point to reduce bulk, and turn right sides out. Press.
Stitch two banners right sides together, trim the points, turn right sides out and press. Repeat until all banner and triangles are made.
Press the ribbon in half along the length. Starting 8” in from the end of the ribbon, pin the ribbon to the top of a triangle so that the raw edges are enclosed by the ribbon, leaving a 5cm gap.
Pin the ribbon to a banner, enclosing the raw edges, continue in this way mixing the fabrics, until all the banners and triangles are used. Stitch the ribbon in place, stitching as you go if you’re confident.