Pattern corrections: Knit Now 144
Errata for Knit Now 144
All Knit Now patterns undergo a rigorous series of checks before publication, but sometimes small errors do slip through. Please see below for pattern updates that have been reported in Knit Now 144.
Cat Ware - Over the Ocean Sweater
Short Row 3: DS, k1, m1r, sm, [C3F, sm, m1l, *k3, sl 1; rep from to 1 st before marker, k1, m1r, sm] 3 times, C3F, sm, m1l, k1, kDS, k1, turn. (8 sts inc’d)
Short Row 6: DS, p2, C2Fp, p2, sm, [p3, sm, p1, *C2Fp, p2; rep from * to marker, sm] 3 times, p3, sl BOR marker, p1, C2Fp, p1, pDS, p1, turn.
Short Row 7: DS, k1, sl 1, k3, m1r, sl BOR marker, [C3F, sm, m1l, k1, sl 1, *k3, sl 1; rep from * to 3 sts before marker, k3, m1r, sm] 3 times, C3F, sm, m1l, k1, sl 1, k3, sl 1, kDS, k1, turn.
Short Row 8: DS, p1, C2Bp, p2, C2Bp, p1, [p3, sm, p4, *C2Bp, p2; rep from * to 3 sts before marker, C2Fp, p1, sm] 3 times, p3, sl BOR marker, p4, C2Bp, pDS, p2, turn
Short Row 11: DS, k1, [sl 1, k3] twice, sl 1, k1, m1r, sm, [C3F, sm, m1l, *k3, sl 1; rep from * to 1 st before marker, k1, m1r, sm] 3 times, C3F, sl BOR, m1l, [k3, sl 1] twice, k2, kDS, sl 1, k2, turn. (8 sts inc’d)
Next Rnd: *K3, rm, place 39 (39, 39, 47, 47, 55, 55, 55) Sleeve sts on hold, rm, using backwards loop method cast on 3 (3, 7, 3, 7, 3, 3, 7) sts, k3, rm, work next rnd of Main patt as set to 2 sts before marker, k2, rm; rep from * once more. 104 (112, 128, 144, 152, 160, 168, 172) Body sts
Set-up Rnd: K6, pm for BOR, k4 (4, 8, 4, 8, 4, 4, 8), work next rnd of Main patt as set to 5 sts before newly cast-on underarm sts, k12 (12, 16, 12, 16, 12, 12, 16), cont in patt as set to end.
Evelyn Siatra - Upland Jumper
Two yarn colours have been listed incorrectly - Periwinkle should be E and Stone Blue should be F
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