New! Premium Membership

CraftWorld is the fastest growing global craft community: A friendly place for all papercrafters to come together, be inspired and share their love for crafting! We already have over 30 thousand members enjoying FREE tutorials and masterclasses, tons of projects and ideas in our infinite Inspiration Gallery plus live demonstrations & craft parties from the best-known papercraft designers and TV celebrities.

But now you can SAVE SOME SERIOUS CASH by becoming a CraftWorld Premium Member!

CraftWorld Premium Membership gives you a year’s worth of benefits for only £20 a year and the biggest benefit for our CraftStash customers is that you get an EXTRA 10% OFF EVERY ORDER AT CRAFTSTASH!

This 10% offer can be used over and above any other offers, it’s applied automatically at the checkout so you don’t need to use any special code which means that your EXTRA 10% OFF can be used in addition to any other offer we’re running on CraftStash.

It’s easy to see how quickly you’ll be saving money on all your purchases and you’ll be able to take advantage of this each & every time you shop at CraftStash for a WHOLE YEAR!

If that wasn’t enough, CraftWorld Premium Membership provides you with even more benefits as you can see below:

It’s Easy To Join CraftWorld

1. Just visit and ‘Join’.

2. It’s FREE, quick and easy. Just enter your email address and create a password, choose a username you want to use on the site and you’re done!

3. Take a look around in our Inspo gallery, enter a competition, watch a demonstration or go and chat in the forums or groups.

Upgrade To Premium Membership

1. You need to be registered on CraftWorld before you can upgrade (see easy steps above)

2. Go to your Account and click on ‘My Plan’.

*If you are signing up by mobile, you need to type in or click here.

3. Pay and upgrade – it’s only £20 for a whole year of benefits!

4. It will take around 24 hours for your payment & your Premium Membership to go live.

5. When your Membership is live the next time you shop at CraftStash your EXTRA 10% OFF will be automatically applied at checkout.

  • Please when upgrading to CraftWorld Premium, use the same email as your CraftStash one.

It’s simple, so become a CraftWorld Premium Member today and start saving even more on CraftStash!

Non-UK Customers

Premium Membership is available to all of our CraftStash customers around the world.  The Membership fee of £20 per year is in sterling and our overseas customers would simply be charged based on our payment provider’s exchange rate on the day of purchase.

Premium Membership Terms and conditions:

We reserve the right to amend Premium Membership benefits from time to time. *10% off at CraftStash is an automatic offer applied at the CraftStash checkout, which may take up to 24 hours to be activated once you upgrade to Premium Membership. No discount code required. The offer excludes all machines & subscription products. The offer is valid throughout the duration of your premium membership with CraftWorld, once terminated the CraftStash discount offer will terminate simultaneously.  ** Full Sweepstake terms and conditions can be found at