Learn to Sew Part 1: Made to travel neck pillow and eye mask

This pattern will teach you:
- How to print and assemble PDF sewing patterns
- How to cut out a sewing pattern on fabric
- Get to grips with your sewing machine with a quick and easy project
- Practice sewing around curves

Get prepared for your summer travels with this soft and comfy neck pillow and eye mask.
Beginner's Sewing Bundle Offer
5 PDF Patterns for Only £8.99!
You will need...
- fat quarter flannel
- fat quarter cuddle fleece
- size 20 Kam Snap & setting tool (optional - you can skip this if you're a beginner)
- 5x9" scrap of quilt wadding
- 0.5m of 10mm-wide elastic
- bag of toy filling
- 15" piece of 10mm-wide elastic
What is a Fat Quarter?
Fabric is usually sold from a roll and the shop will cut you a length of fabric in increments of a quarter of a metre or a quarter of a yard. If you only want a small piece of fabric, this means you will get a long thin strip. Some shops (particularly quilting shops) will instead let you have a "fat quarter", where they cut a half yard horizontally and then cut that in half vertically so that you have a more useful piece of fabric.

Before You Begin
Download and print your pattern templates. The pattern pieces are bigger than standard A4 paper, so you will need to print out multiple sheets and tape them together.