Love Sewing 111 - On sale 25th August!
Sew some happiness with bright and cheerful makes start tonight in the new issue of Love Sewing!

Summer might be drawing to a close, but I hope the bright and happy makes inside this
month’s issue keep you feeling warm and cheerful as we head into autumn. As we find
ourselves needing clothes for warm and cooler weather, the gorgeous cover patterns in this
issue will be perfect for both. The first, a special Love Sewing Jersey Girl pattern, is a
versatile 4-in-1 jersey dress – choose your sleeve length and neckline style to suit any
climate or occasion.

For the perfect wardrobe workhorse, look no further than your McCalls 8256 – a gorgeous
gathered top with four sleeve options, making it ideal for all seasons! You’ll never be short
of a stylish top to wear if you hit your fabric stash with this one. See Amy Scarr’s pretty
green version on page 20 and Ruth Brown’s incredible pattern hack on page 40. Alison
Smith MBE shows you how to perfect the gathers in the neck binding on page 46.
Our indie designers are here as always to offer inspiration and sewing joy. Sarah & Freya at
Crafty Sew & So have treated us to a wonderful 1930s inspired key-hole neckline dress on
page 69. Julia Claridge of Bobbins and Buttons is keeping us warm and cosy with a stylish
boxy cardigan on page 33, and we’re thrilled to have Sewing Bee Serena’s side split skirt on
page 48.

All this, plus we have some fabulous home and accessory projects, great reads about
independent pattern designers and the French Huguenots weaving history – who better to tell
us than Frenchman Sewing Bee Raph! Our panel of industry experts delivering the usual
hearty dose of advice and inspiration, with Claire Louise Hardie providing a wonderful
tutorial on how to alter patterns for a rounded tummy and Elisalex solving your zip