Enjoy 14 beautiful projects to start tonight inside the new issue of Love Sewing!

Discover gorgeous patterns to update your me-made wardrobes and grow your sewing confidence every issue. Enjoy expert advice and projects for all styles and skill levels. Inside you’ll find beautiful dressmaking patterns, must-try techniques and lots of inspiration to keep you sewing all month long.

Inside our spring special we have a fabulous Butterick frill dress, as well as a must-sew Threadcount dungaree duo, ideal for building your skills! Plus, enjoy expert masterclasses, step-by-step hacks and tips so you can really make these great garments your own!

If you’re in the mood for sunshine, this month’s cover patterns won’t disappoint. First up, we have Butterick 6677 – a stunning dress with ruffles galore. Which gorgeous version will you choose? For inspiration, turn to Tammy Silver’s ingenious pattern hack on page 64.

Threadcount 2111, meanwhile, adds a touch of fun to proceedings; with a full-skirted pinafore dress or cute gathered-waist dungarees to choose from, you’ll be covered for every eventuality!

Our indie designers have created some additional pieces to mix and match for the perfect summer capsule. While Julia Claridge’s square neck blouse on page 33 would pair beautifully with the dungarees, Crafty Sew and So’s sweetheart sundress and the Simple Sew Tara dress will add those extra options for your summer wardrobe as the weather heats up.

All this and we have our team of industry experts on hand to guide you through measuring, embellishing and much, much more.





Happy sewing

Bethany x