Brand-New From Simply Made Crafts

Join Lou this Friday for a fun crafty hour where she will be demonstrating the NEW Simply Made Crafts Vanity Collection! There are also three chances to WIN prizes from this collection so be sure to join us!

Join the team live on Facebook at 12:30 on Friday to make sure you're the first to get your hands on these gorgeous designs.


Shop the Collection

Simply Made Crafts by Helen Griffin is a wonderfully eclectic range of paper craft products that allows everyone, no matter the skill level, to create visually stunning off the page projects, gift items and innovative cards. Helen's genius is to make what may appear to be an advanced make, into something that's well... Simply Made!


Are you missing out?

If you love papercraft, you can't afford to miss out on CraftWorld Premium! Save 10% off every order at CraftStash for a whole year with CraftWorld Premium or Premium Plus membership. What are you waiting for? Upgrade today and treat yourself to a world of wonderful benefits!
