Lavender Birthday Wishes Step Card


Resize circletag 2 to 13cm-wide, flair 2 to 2.5cm and paintchip to 3.5cmx10.5. Resize journalstrip 3 to 10.5cmx2.5cm, add a sentiment and print everything onto white A4 cardstock.


Print bg_ltteal onto both sides of white A4 cardstock using borderless printing and print a contrasting patterned paper onto inket paper.


Cut a 29x12cm piece of teal cardstock, score at 12, 25 and 26.5cm and fold to make a square step card blank. Cover the front panel in an 11.5cm-square piece of patterned paper and the front of the step in an 11.5x2cm strip of the same paper.


Cut out circletag_2, add lace and ribbon down the left-hand side and fix to the card front using 3D foam pads. Add glitter around the stamp.


Place the flair face-down and run an embossing tool gently around the edges. Adhere over the tag hole and use 3D foam pads to attach the paintchip at a slight angle.


Attach the journal strip using 3D foam pads and Tacky Glue so that it overhangs the step. Add a bow and gems to finish.