KNITTING TUTORIAL: Wrap and Turn Short Rows
Here's our photo step-by-step guide to working short rows with the w&t method
Knit to the point where the wrap is to be worked, then bring the yarn to the front.
Slip the next stitch purlwise from the right-hand to the left-hand needle
Take the yarn between the needles to the back of the work. This stitch has now been wrapped. Turn your work ready to work the next short row.
Purl to the point where you will work the next wrap, then take the yarn to the back
Slip the next stitch purl-wise from left-hand to right-hand needle
Bring the yarn to the front again, between the needles
Slip the stitch back onto the left-hand needle and then turn, ready to work the next short row
Sometimes your pattern will tell you to work the wrapped stitches together on the return pass. On the right side, knit to the wrapped stitch.
Lift the wrap and place it onto the left-hand needle
Knit the stitch together with its wrap.