This super-stretchy cast on is perfect for necklines and ribbed cuffs to stop them being too tight.
Leaving a long tail, hold yarn in left hand, over thumb and index finger, using the other 3 fingers to tension the yarn.
With right hand, insert needle under the top strand, holding in place with your right hand index finger.
With an anti-clockwise movement, bring the needle over and under the yarn on your thumb.
With a clockwise movement, bring the needle tip back through the loop on your thumb.
Pull up this loop so that you now how two loops on the needle.
With a clockwise movement, bring the needle tip around the yarn on your index finger.
With an anti-clockwise movement, turn your thumb to untwist the loop on it.
Place this loop over the second loop on your needle.
Pull this loop tight with your thumb. First stitch complete.
Repeat steps 3-9 to cast on the required number of stitches.