Knit for Peace Flood Fund
Knit for Peace has launched a fund to help independent and local yarn shops affected by the UK's recent flooding.

During the recent floods, local yarn shops are just one of the many types of small businesses that have been affected. While some will have been flooded, others will have seen trade drop drastically because of the weather and travel restrictions.
With this in mind, Knit for Peace has set up a new fund on MyDonate to help independent knitting shops who are struggling.
Dame Hilary Blume, Director of the Charities Advisory Trust, the charity which Knit for Peace is part, says "we have seen such a fall in the number of wool shops over the years, that we should nurture those remaining. We hope people will rally round."
You can donate yourself here, to show your support of the work of independent yarn shops, and they welcome emails to let them know about any yarn shops who've seen business suffer because of the floods.