I think I wanted both Patrick and Esme to see what I am about - Sewing Bee's Christian on What He Learned in the Sewing Room

Was it liberating to be filming this series?

Filming this series I have to admit it was a lot different than I imagined, very challenging but at the same time exciting and eye opening.

When did you first start sewing and why do you love it so much?

I started sewing probably around 10 years ago making bow ties.   I like sewing and creating new clothes because it stimulates my brain’s creativity and makes me feel free.

Do you have a mentor that encouraged you to get into sewing?

My mom has always been there giving me advice and admiring my work so I would say she has been pivotal in the last couple of years believing in me.

What is your favourite garment to sew/or your speciality?

I have to say that jackets would be my favourite garment to see, there’s just so much you can show with a jacket, so many shapes, prints and cuts, you can change an entire outfit look by adding a cool jacket to it.

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Why did you want to be a Great British Sewing Bee and who did you want to most impress of the Judges, or both? And when the sewing got tough, was Sara a welcome ally?

I wanted to be part of the Sewing Bee because I felt like my passion for sewing and creating has been lost in the last couple of years since moving to London and I wanted to get to know people that share the same passion as me and why not reignite the fire for sewing and fashion.

I think I wanted both Patrick and Esme to see what I am about and what I want to show through my sewing and of course I wanted to see where I needed to improve. Sara has been very helpful and definitely a little bee helper for everyone in this competition.

Describe your experience on first walking into the sewing room on this year’s Sewing Bee, and which challenge were you fearing the most the first week - Pattern challenge; transformation challenge, or Made to Measure challenge?

The feeling when I first entered the sewing room was extremely overwhelming, just to see that I have my own workbench  in the Sewing Bee room felt  surreal as well as sharing the room with amazing and talented sewers.

The challenge I was dreading the most was the pattern challenge because I have never used a commercial pattern before and so I wasn’t confident with following instructions.

What was your best and worst moment that first week?

Worst moment in the first week I think was when we all had the pattern challenge finished and on mannequins and I realized how great and talented everyone is, I thought this is it, I am going home.

Best moment was the made to measure challenge, it was the first time I have made a dress on a model in 5 hours!

How did you try and stay calm when things were going badly wrong or you ran out of time in the first week?

I think I just tried not to think about the time and try to take each step at the time, it gets very intense when you hear Sara saying 5 minutes left and you basically have half of the outfit done!

Do you have an attachment to a sewing tool, and why is it special to you?

I’m trying not to attach myself to objects in general due to losing things quite easily.

In your sewing life: What has been your worst sewing disaster - and your biggest triumph?

There have been a series of disasters in my sewing life and most of them have ended in the bin unfinished.  Greatest achievement for me I would say is being part of the Sewing Bee.

Do you make for family and friends as presents? And most asked for garment?

I don’t really make for family or friends as I’ve never been that confident in my sewing skills, most of the time I am sewing for myself.

Describe your style, and how much of your own clothes do you make?

My style is all about different, standing out from the crowd, breaking up the ordinary. I used to make a lot of my clothing but not so much now.

Can you give a sewing tip for amateur sewers who have been enjoying the show?

I would tell them keep going, practice as much as you can and never give up on your dreams.

Was it hard to keep a secret that you were going to be on the show?

Absolutely it was, just that excitement when you get the call you want to tell everyone.

What is the best way to describe the relationship between this year’s Bees?

This years Bees have been the most wonderful, talented and big hearted bunch, I’ve made some great friends for life and we are all a big family, love everyone!

What will you take away from your experience of being on The Great British Sewing Bee?

I will take away from the Sewing Bee everything I’ve learned from the judges, sewers and people in the sewing room that work tirelessly behind the scenes to make this show happen.  A lot of resilience, passion and eager to thrive and succeed in everything I do.

Next for you in the sewing world?

I am hoping that this show has put enough fire in me to start my own business and create my own little label, so fingers crossed!

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