You can use the ruler to cut strips – simply line up the straight edge of your fabric with the measurement for the strip width needed. The photo on the right shows the placement for a full 4" strip width. If a 3" strip is needed, simply move the ruler left until the raw edge is lined up with the 3" marked line on the ruler and the cut along the right-hand side. If your fabric is longer than the ruler you can either fold the fabric or move the ruler up once your first cut is completed.



Once a strip is cut, the ruler helps cut out the squares quickly. Simply line up the left-hand edge of the strip with the measurement needed. In the photo here, I cut 2½" squares, from a 2½" strip, so the left-hand side of the strip is lined up with the 2½" marker on the ruler.



Use your rectangle ruler to create this classic patchwork block.


From the red flowers, cut:
2x16" strip
From the pink dot fabric, cut:
1½x16" strip
From the white dot fabric, cut:
1½x 6" strip
4 4" squares
From the white shapes fabric, cut:
4" square
From the Aqua geo fabric, cut:
4 2½" squares

A 1/4” seam allowance has been used
throughout unless otherwise stated


Sew the 1½x16" pink dot strip to the long right-hand side of the 2x16" red flower strip. Press open and then sew the 1½x16" white dot strip to the righthand side of the pink dots strip. Press open the seams.


Use the ruler to cut the sewn strip into four 4" units.


Draw a line diagonally across the Aqua geo 2½" squares, pin a square RST to the top-left corner of the white shapes 4" square and the sew along the line.


Using the grey shaded area of the ruler as a guide, trim away the excess ¼" beyond the sewn line.


Fold over the triangle and press. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with the other three Aqua geo 2½" squares, aligning each one with a different corner.


Lay out all of the units made above and the four 4" white dot squares as pictured here. Sew together into three rows and then sew the rows together to complete the block.


FREE PATTERN: Log Cabin Pouches

Download CraftWorld Magazine Issue 8 for your FREE log cabin pouch pattern.


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