Craft Hack: How To Remove Glue From Scissors

Learn how to quickly get glue off your scissors

When you cut through tape and anything where you have used adhesives it can leave your scissor blades covered in glue.

You need to add a bottle of nail polish remover to your stash!

Simply take a cotton bud and dip into standard nail polish remover the gently wipe over the blades! It quickly cleans glue of your scissors and enables you to quickly get back to cutting ribbons, paper and card without the worry of leaving a sticky mess on the edges or having blunted blades as a result.

Clean your scissors after use to ensure the blades don't actually stick together - it's also a good idea to have scissors specifically for cutting through sticky items so you can keep your other scissors super sharp.

NB. make sure you do this on a surface that wont be damaged, unlike Lou's mat!

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