How to clean up glitter

Glitter - it's a love-hate relationship!

Absolutely love the gorgeous effects you get with glitter and guilding flakes but those little specs can hang around for months if you don't get them cleaned up off your work surface. Stray glitter on your surfaces can mean the all your future projects get specs of glitter on too - that can take away from a professional finish!

There is a sure fire easy-peasy way to clean up every spec! In this video lou demonstrates how simple it is to use a lint roller to clean up glitter without leaving any stray specs to 'contaminate' future projects.

Now... what do you think you could use those strips of lint roller for after they are covered with glitter!

Do you have any glitter related tips? we'd love to hear how you deal with this most beautiful but also most easily-spread product in your craft spaces.

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