How to: Change Overlocker Thread Quickly!
Watch this quick video to learn how to change threads on your overlocker or serger easily. This method works for Janome, Brother Singer and more!

How do I thread my overlocker or serger?
If you've ever threaded a sewing machine, you'll know it can be fiddly. Now think about threading an overlocker, which has four separate threads and you might groan! But don't worry - there's an easy trick that will make changing threads a breeze and Tilly's here to show you how.
Making Friends with your Overlocker
This video is an extract from Tilly's newest and most popular online workshop Make Friends with an Overlocker. It’s perfect for anyone wanting to take their sewing skills to the next level.
The Make Friends with an Overlocker or Serger online workshop is packed full of techniques, tips and tricks, all taught by Tilly herself. You can take this workshop from the comfort of your own home, and watch the video lessons whenever it suits you, as many times as you like, with no deadlines. Your sofa is your classroom. Get ready to become BFFs with your machine!
Order your copy of Make It Simple by Tilly Walnes for only £11.99 from Simple Sew
Tilly Walnes of Tilly and the Buttons is our featured sewing designer for the month of July 2021. Don't miss out on our exclusive member discount of 20% on all digital patterns, and CraftWorld Premium members can claim a FREE copy of Tilly's Zadie dress. Read all about it and find more inspiration from Tilly and her team here.

Free jersey sewing patterns
Overlockers are perfect for sewing with jersey and stretch fabrics. If you're looking for some new patterns to try, download these today!