How many days it takes to cure piles from Ayurvedic medicine?

Before delving into the duration of Ayurvedic treatment, it's essential to understand that piles can vary widely in severity and complexity. Factors like the type of piles (internal or external), the degree of inflammation, and the individual's overall health can significantly influence the healing timeline. Ayurveda recognizes this variability and tailors treatment plans accordingly.

Svasthvida's Approach to Piles Treatment

Svasthvida takes a comprehensive approach to Ayurvedic treatment for Piles, combining ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern medical practices. Their methodology includes the following key elements:

  1. Holistic Assessment: Svasthvida begins by assessing the patient's overall health, lifestyle, and the specific issues related to piles. This assessment helps identify the individual's dosha imbalance and guides the formulation of a personalized treatment plan.
  2. Herbal Remedies: Natural herbal remedies are central to Ayurvedic treatment at Svasthvida. These herbs are chosen for their anti-inflammatory, cooling, and healing properties. Commonly used herbs include Triphala, Haritaki, Amla, and Neem. These herbs work synergistically to reduce inflammation, soothe discomfort, and promote healthy bowel movements.
  3. Dietary Guidance: Diet plays a crucial role in the Ayurvedic healing process. Svasthvida's experts provide dietary guidance, emphasizing a fiber-rich diet, ample hydration, and the avoidance of spicy and processed foods. Dietary modifications are aimed at softening stools and preventing constipation, a common trigger for piles.
  4. Lifestyle Modifications: Svasthvida encourages patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Regular exercise, yoga, and meditation are recommended to improve digestion, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. These practices are essential for preventing the recurrence of piles.
  5. Hygiene and Comfort: Svasthvida prioritizes hygiene and patient comfort during the treatment process. Patients are educated on proper anal hygiene to prevent infections and reduce discomfort. The center's facilities are designed to ensure a comfortable and stress-free experience.
  6. Panchakarma Therapies: In severe cases of piles, Svasthvida may recommend Panchakarma therapies. These ancient detoxification treatments, such as Basti (medicated enema) and Virechana (therapeutic purgation), are used to cleanse the body of toxins and restore balance.

The Role of Ayurvedic Practitioners at Svasthvida

Svasthvida boasts a team of highly qualified Ayurvedic practitioners who play a pivotal role in the treatment process. These experts undergo extensive training and have a deep understanding of Ayurvedic principles. They work closely with patients to assess their unique constitutions (Prakriti) and imbalances (Vikriti) before tailoring a treatment plan. Svasthvida's practitioners provide continuous guidance and support throughout the treatment journey, ensuring that patients experience the full benefits of Ayurvedic care.

Factors Influencing the Duration of Treatment

Several factors influence how long it takes to cure piles through Ayurvedic medicine at Svasthvida:

  1. Severity of Piles: The severity of the piles plays a significant role. Mild cases may respond more quickly to treatment, while severe cases may require a longer duration.
  2. Individual Response: Every individual's body responds differently to treatment. Some may experience faster relief, while others may take more time to heal.
  3. Consistency: Adherence to the recommended treatment plan is crucial. Consistently following dietary and lifestyle guidelines, taking prescribed herbal remedies, and attending therapy sessions all contribute to the effectiveness and speed of recovery.
  4. Overall Health: The patient's overall health and constitution play a role. Those with underlying health conditions may require additional time for healing.

Typical Timeline for Healing Piles with Ayurveda at Svasthvida

While the duration of treatment can vary, it's essential to provide a rough estimate based on the typical progression of healing at Svasthvida:

  1. Initial Relief (1-2 Weeks): Many patients experience relief from acute symptoms like pain, itching, and bleeding within the first one to two weeks of starting Ayurvedic treatment. Herbal remedies and dietary changes begin to take effect.
  2. Steady Improvement (2-3 Months): Over the next two to three months, patients typically see a significant improvement in their condition. Swelling and inflammation subside, and bowel movements become more regular and pain-free.
  3. Consolidation (3-6 Months): To consolidate the gains made during the initial stages, patients continue with Ayurvedic treatment for an additional three to six months. This period allows for a more thorough healing of tissues and helps prevent the recurrence of piles.
  4. Maintenance and Preventive Care (Ongoing): After the primary treatment phase, patients are encouraged to adopt the dietary and lifestyle modifications prescribed by Svasthvida to maintain their health and prevent future occurrences of piles.


Healing from piles through Ayurvedic medicine at Svasthvida is a journey that depends on several factors, including the severity of the condition, individual response, consistency in following the treatment plan, and overall health. While some patients may experience initial relief within weeks, a more comprehensive healing process typically takes several months.

What sets Ayurvedic treatment at Svasthvida apart is its commitment to holistic well-being and the prevention of recurrence. Rather than providing quick fixes, Svasthvida focuses on addressing the root causes of piles and promoting long-term health. Patients who choose this path can find hope and healing through the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, with Svasthvida as their guiding light on the road to recovery.

To schedule a consultation or learn more about our Ayurvedic treatments, you can contact us at +91-93160-78128 or email us at Our experienced Ayurvedic doctors will be delighted to assist you in your journey getting relief from pain.