Open the mandala in the Studio, delete the outline and ‘group’ the design. Scale down to measure 4¾” square.


Hold ‘Shift’ and draw a circle and a square to fit inside and outside of the mandala.


Play with the fit and centre all three elements. Set the circle and the square colour line to red and the mandala colour to blue.


Press ‘Send’, select the ‘Action by Line’ and adjust the settings. Tick the sketching and untick the cutting. You can also utilise the ‘Pause’ function after sketching.


Once everything is set up, add the cardstock to the bottom left of the cutting mat with the foil on top, upload the mat and press ‘Send’ in your Studio.


Without unloading the mat, remove the foil, tick the cutting line and send it to cut the inner circle and the outer square.


Assemble the card as desired, adding a shaker element and create the envelope using the WRMK board and stamp with the ‘TO:’ element.