Get to know Claire-Louise Hardie

Claire-Louise is an author, pattern designer, teacher and costumier. Claire-Louise has had a long career as a Theatrical Costumier, both making costumes and touring the globe as a Wardrobe Mistress. She has been the Sewing Producer to The Great British sewing Bee on BBC 2, for the last 3 series. In 2009, after helping many friends and family with their sewing, Claire-louise realised that sewing isnt something that everyone knows how to do. After discovering that sewing is no longer taught in schools, and being interested in sustainable fashion, Claire-Louise enlisted her friend Alex and they launched beginners sewing classes at The Thrifty Stitcher.  We recommend Claire-Louise's latest course Claire-Louises book, The Great British Sewing Bee: Fashion With Fabric, accompanied the third series of the show and is priced 20 from