Fun upcycled kids clothes to make using found fabric

We love the internet and all the fabulous sewing bloggers who post free tutorials, be sure to visit the links and explore their blogs, they have so much you can learn. Even if you don't have kids of your own these little projects are perfect for getting the sewing machine out and just having a go without spending any more than the cost of some thread and a little elastic. If it doesn't look perfect, don't worry - you're a beginner dressmaker, not a fully fledged sewing bee!  Starting your journey to sewing your own clothes with some simple kids garments is a greatplace to begin practising new techniques and getting that buzz of having made something that will actually get worn! (maybe!!!) If you don't have a ready-mademini-me to dress, we're sure there are friends and family that would be delighted to have a few handmade kids clothes for their little ones - especially if they come without a price tag!

Upcycling old clothes into kids clothes

We love this super quick T-shirt hack to make a lovely little nightdress, there's a full tutorial to make this by sewing and craft blogger Autumn of 'It's always Autumn'

T-shirts can also be transformed into cute little trousers or PJ bottoms - there's a great sewing tutorial from Bec who blogs at Mellebug and Me

If you're nervous to start with sewing patterns then following simple tutorials like this post from sewing blogger Justine of Sew Country Chick is ideal to get you started. It's made from a pillowcase. The beauty of using the pillowcase is that the hem is all done for you, so it only takes minutes to transform it into a cute little skirt. If like many of us you don't have piles of unused vintage pillowcases around the house, you can find these in charity shops, on ebay or perhaps pick up a cheapy one from a supermarket.

Ashley of Make It - Love It shares this brilliant tutorial for turning a pair of old battered jeans into a really cute little skirt. It's a brilliant idea rather than chucking jeans with holey knees away, even if your child has outgrown the waist, you can still then add them to the hand-me downpile instead of leaving them for the landfill pile and those extra bits of denim are always handy to keep in your fabric stash!

This is such a great idea as you get to sew a button up dress without having to worry about button holes! the free sewing tutorial is by Candice Ayala who has loads of great upcycling inspiration on her blog.