Faux Calligraphy Wrapping Paper Tutorial

Faux calligraphy is basically a cheat’s way of hand lettering in a calligraphy style. The word faux means fake, false, made in imitation, so faux calligraphy can be created just by using a fine-tipped pen or pencil. Traditional calligraphy is written using broad-tipped instruments, or brushes, which give the letters that thicker downward stroke. The technique of faux calligraphy is simply adding an additional line, echoing the shape of the downward strokes. This therefore gives the letters that extra thickness in the correct, traditional places.

The benefit of faux calligraphy is that it is a quick technique to use. No additional tools are required and it is very easy to achieve. It looks amazing, transforming your normal writing.

This may be considered cheating at calligraphy, but it’s a technique that can help with understanding this style of hand lettering, helping to learn where the thicker strokes are. Plus it’s fantastic for all beginners.


Use a faux calligraphy alphabet template as a guide to make up a new template to use for the wrapping paper. Write the desired wording onto a sheet of A4 paper using a black brush pen.


Unroll the poster paper enough to begin writing across the bottom edge.


Place the wording template underneath the poster paper in a central position to use as a guide. Write the whole word using a black pen, or create a rainbow effect using the fine tips of coloured pens.


Move the template to a new position, either left or right of the first word. Write the same word again in the same way as before.


Continue moving the template to add many more faux calligraphy words, creating a pattern across the poster paper.

When using coloured pens to decorate the poster paper, keep them placed in the rainbow colour order for speed. For example, use the first red pen then return it to the back of the ordered row. Then use the orange pen, replacing it to the back, next to the red. Then the yellow pen and so on...