• Preparation: Select a garment or pattern piece to alter and gather your tools – fabric scissors, a marking tool, and additional paper for drafting.
• Marking: Identify the areas of the garment where you wish to add volume or shape. Using your marking tool, carefully trace lines onto the fabric to indicate where the slashes will be made.
• Cutting: With precision and care, make clean cuts along the marked lines, ensuring not to cut through any seams or essential elements of the garment.
• Spread and secure: Gently spread apart the slashed sections, allowing the fabric to fan out and create the desired volume or shape. Secure the edges of the slashes with pins or tape to hold the new configuration in place.
• Drafting: Lay a piece of additional paper beneath the slashed garment and trace the newly formed shape onto the paper. This will serve as your new pattern piece, incorporating the alterations made through slash and spread.
• Finishing touches: Once you have transferred the altered shape onto paper, refine the edges and add seam allowances as needed. Your revised pattern piece is now ready to be used in your sewing project.

This masterclass is sponsored by Brother



• Experiment with different slash placements and angles to achieve varying effects, from subtle shaping to dramatic volume.
• Take your time and work methodically, ensuring precise cuts and accurate drafting for professional results.
• Don't be afraid to combine slash and spread alterations with other techniques, such as gathering or pleating, to create bespoke designs that reflect your style.

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