Download your free crochet hat pattern!

Have you got your copy of Crochet Now 33 yet? Included with your Christmas inspired issue is our biggest kit ever for Sprinkles the Unicorn - a magical friend who has such a sweet tooth. Inside the magazine you will find your pattern to make Sprinkles. But if you've decided unicorn's aren't your thing (gasp!) then why not download our super-cute crochet hat pattern instead?  

Enter your email address above to start your free pattern download today - the yarn in your kit have everything you need to crochet this bright, smart beanie, designed to fit an average adult women's head. Teens and kids are sure to enjoy this colourful accessory too!

Constructed in the round, using the edc (extended double crochet - UK) stitch, the fabric created in this hat is light, flexible, and so easy to make! Don't worry if you want to make Sprinkles too though - the pattern will work to any standard 4ply yarn tension!