Crochet Abbreviations Glossary

alt: alternate
beg: beginning
BLO: work in back loops only
CC: contrasting colour
ch: chain
ch-sp: chain space
cont: continue
dc: double crochet
dc2tog: work two double crochet stitches together
dec: decrease
dtr: double treble crochet
fdc: foundation double crochet
FLO: work in front loops only
foll: following
htr: half treble crochet
htr2tog: work two half treble crochet stitches together
inc: increase
LH: left hand
MC: main colour
patt: pattern
pm: place marker
prev: previous
pul: pull up a loop
rem: remaining
rep: repeat
RH: right hand
rm: remove marker
rnd: round
RS: right side
RtrF: raised treble front: Yrh, insert around post of indicated st from front to back around to front again, yrh, pul, [yrh, draw through two loops] twice
RtrB: raised treble back: Yrh, insert around post of indicated st from back to front around to back again, yrh, pul, [yrh, draw through two loops] twice
sl st: slip stitch
sp: space
st(s): stitch(es)
tbl: through the back loop
tr: treble crochet
ttr: triple treble
tr2tog: work two treble crochet stitches together
WS: wrong side
yrh: yarn round hook