6 things you won't want to forget when crocheting on the go

Do you plan your packing and write numerous lists, well ahead of time? Or are you a last minute chuck it in the case and if I forget anything I will buy it when I get there, type of traveller?

Here are six suggestions for crochet travellers to pack in their carry-on luggage.  

1. A pretty roll up pouch or purse to hold all your essential items.

2. A notebook with pencil, for pattern alterations.

3. Hand gel, to help keep your hands, your project and yarn clean as you handle it. Traveling can be a grubby business!  

4. Stitch markers in a small container.

5. A yarn cutter threaded on a ribbon to hang around your neck. Do remember you may have scissors taken away if you are flying, so this is a clever alternative.  

6. Tapestry needle for all those pesky ends.

That you will pack a hook goes without saying, but just remember to pack a spare in case of loss.  

Happy packing!