3 Tips For A Professional Looking Fussy Cut Image
There's a lot of confusion in the papercrafting world about fussy cutting. Does it mean cutting as close to the outside line of the image as possible, or does it mean cutting around an image leaving a small, equal, white border?
Morgan Vogt tells us in this video that fussy cutting simply means cutting out an image using scissors, and she goes on to share with us her 3 top tips for getting a neat and even finish. Firstly, how you use the scissors is important - they should only open and close, not move around the image. Secondly, it's much easier to come back and cut out awkward areas once you've finished fussy cutting the main image. Finally, don't be in too much of a rush to finish - go back and even out any lumps, bumps, and uneven areas.
Follow Morgan's advice to create a clean and neat fussy cut image, and if you need any more inspiration, try these other tutorials from CraftWorld.