12 Days Of Origami - Reindeer

This series is perfect for anyone who is keen to start learning origami, or for those who want to add a special touch to their Christmas decorations and cards this season! Be sure to scroll down to grab your free Reindeer download, then follow our super easy video tutorial below to master basic origami folds. We recommend a lightweight paper, make sure you have a square - you can do this in many sizes to create enough reindeer to pull Santa's sleigh!

Origami is so therapeutic, why not meet up with a craft group and follow the series together? We hope that you enjoy creating your Reindeer - keep your eyes peeled for more additions each week on the run up to Christmas!

This reindeer design can be used to create other critters with just a few tweaks - what animals can you see? A rabbit, a little piggy, a dog?

Download your Reindeer here;

Shop origami paper on CraftStash

Happy folding!
